So [co-worker] calls in to say he's sick and is seeing the doctor later today. That's cool. But then he expands...
"I want him to, um, check out these lumps."
*danger, Will Robinson! danger!*
"I think they might be those things, you know, um, haemorrhoids."
*Cap'n, we've taken a direct hit!*
"And well, I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm thinking they might be responsible for a, uh, smell that kinda... wafts around my desk."
*shields failed, hull breach critical! We're going down!*
"Hehe, sorry, let me know if I've given you too much information."
*Sir, we've a report from sector 9. The SS Enterscott has gone down.
Rescue crews state there are no survivors.*
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